Frequently Asked Questions

Usually, each module takes about an hour. The Emergency Personnel program will be completed in approximately nine hours and the Maternal Safety program would take about twenty hours. The evidence-based education provides tools, infographics for integration capabilities, save time, elevates care and creates compliance.

Many health systems are required to have their teams educated to care for pregnant people with preeclampsia and prepared for postpartum hemorrhage, Maternal 911 has the learning modules for compliance. Together, we can accelerate healthcare compliance and accreditation.

Having team members prepared for their job and having the investment into the front-line leads to employee retention. The Maternal 911 Education Systems will help attract and retain staff, elevate care quality and reduce risk.

Maternal 911 has over twenty courses built by front-line healthcare and adult learning experts. The Maternal 911 education solutions ensure your workforce has access to the knowledge it needs to provide the best care to pregnant people.

Education is empowering. With an educated, well prepared and simulation trained team they will provide excellent evidence-based care to the pregnant person’s emergency, helping to lower the maternal mortality rates.

Yes, the infographs within the program may be utilized by the health system. Please respect the copyrights and recognizing the Maternal 911 Education as appropriate.